Payday loans are low-balance, short-term, high-interest loans that people take to cover their expenses. These are called payday loans because borrowers take them on post-dated checks due on the day when they get paid. They can also promise account withdrawal authorization to lenders for loan repayment.
Just like any other type of loan, a payday loans online same day deposit also comes with its own set of eligibility criteria that a borrower must need to fulfill. So let’s check out what this criteria really is.
Eligibility criteria for payday loans
According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) of the United States of America, a borrower need to meet the following conditions:
- A borrower must be at least 18 years of age.
- She/he should have an active bank account (checking).
- The borrower must provide proof of income along with valid identification.
- A post-dated check for the repayment of the loan.
- Some lenders also ask for the borrower’s social security number.
Even if a borrower meets the criteria mentioned above, the lender can still reject the loan to him. An example of such a rare case would be if a lender charges an APR of over 36%, then they are not eligible to offer a payday loan to active-duty military personnel, his/her spouse, or dependents.
This loan can be approved in as quickly as 15 minutes. In most cases, the person taking the loan writes a check to the lender for the loan amount. They also add lending fees and interest amounts in the amount of this check.
Generally, payday checks are only extended to a few weeks. When the due date of the loan comes, the borrower can repay the loan by allowing the lenders to cash the post-dated check.
Recent CFPB rules
On July 7, 2020, the CFPB issued a final rule that removes the need for a 2017 Obama administration rule that states that payday lenders can assess borrowers’ ability for loan repayment. However, this new rule has continued a part of the Obama administration’s rule that restricts payday loan lenders to repeat the attempts of collecting money from borrowers’ bank accounts.
How much amount can you borrow on payday loans?
The amount that you can borrow on a payday loan depends on the state laws in which you are living. It also depends on your financial situation – how much you earn and what are your expenses.
In most states, the payday loan lending cap ranges from $300 to $1000. But this does not mean that a borrower will get the highest amount decided by the laws. A payday lender also considers the borrower’s income to decide how much they can offer. Moreover, there are still some payday loan lenders that do not check the financial situation of borrowers and leave them to manage their expenses and debts in their own way.
Payday loans help people who need a small amount of money and cannot get it through conventional lending methods. There is an eligibility criteria that borrowers must need to fulfill to avail of its benefits. But, thanks to state laws and lenders’ flexibility, this criteria is very moderate and most people can easily fill it.